GTA Online: Bounty hunters are here!

Igor Monday, July 8, 2024 1:21 PM
GTA Online: Bounty hunters are here!

Good evening, crime bosses of Los Santos,

Recently, Rockstar Games presented us with a new major gameplay update called Bottom Dollar. If you remember, when you started your journey in GTA V as Trevor, you may have encountered Maude Eccles, a quite controversial but interesting character who gave Phillips four bounty hunter missions to kill or capture certain individuals. When the work was done, she claimed she could finally retire. This year, Rockstar brings her back, introducing a new way to entertain in GTA Online.

When the law is powerless, the bounty hunter steps in

When you download the update and start playing, Maude will call you and advise you to buy one of the Bail Offices. Once you acquire the new property and attend a meeting, she will introduce her daughter, Jenette Eccles. Jenette will be your right-hand woman, assisting in finding new targets. If you manage to capture criminals alive, you can send them to jail and earn some cash. After a brief introduction, Maude retires once again. Poor old lady.

GTA Online: Bounty hunters are here! post image 1Bottom Dollar Bounties - Tools for the job: shocker and special van.

In your office, you may have two enforcement agents. Players can send them to capture bad guys, and in about 20 minutes, money will be added to your safe. In the main office, you have a computer with four targets. Three of these targets update every hour and can bring you about 40,000 GTA dollars if you bring the target in alive. One contract is exclusive and updates once a day, offering up to 130,000 GTA dollars. Regular missions are quite interesting at first, involving tasks like hacking, scouting, and tracking your victim. Special captures could be challenging for new players but generally aren't too difficult. You can use your own transportation and any weapons you want, making bounty hunting an easy, fast, and enjoyable activity.

GTA Online: Bounty hunters are here! post image 2Bottom Dollar Bouties - Your bounty office and assistent Jenette Eccles.

Good farming potential?

I have some reservations about the amount of money this business can bring. On one hand, the new missions and content are enjoyable and interesting to discover. Missions generally don't take a lot of time. You can send two assistants to capture their own criminals, so per hour, you can send them out about three times. With each capture, they bring in more money. On average, you can earn about 300,000 GTA dollars per four bounties and the work of your assistants. It's not much, but the missions are not hard to complete, making it a good option for veteran players looking for diversity. For new players, I wouldn't recommend this as your first business. An agency or chemical lab would be a much better starting point.

It's very pleasing that Rockstar still maintains GTA Online, especially considering everyone is eagerly awaiting GTA VI. I remember a time when developers seemed to refuse to give us new content in this beautiful game, but the last two major updates have provided plenty of new activities, vehicles, and missions to enjoy. I’m really pleased with how things are going right now. What do you think about the Bottom Dollar update? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. That's all for today. Stay tuned and be safe! =)

A new journey begins.

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